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Reference projects

EU GreenBuildingklimaaktiv
ÖGNB/TQBBuilding physicsPassive House ConsultingProduct testBuilding product managementCircular economy

aspern IQ – technology centre Aspern, Seestadt
Plus energy office, new building

klimaaktiv Gold with 1,000 points, ÖGNB/TQB with 974 points

Building physics

VELUX Sunlighthouse
Residential building, new building

klimaaktiv Gold with 963 points, ÖGNB/TQB 963 points, Austrian State Prize for Environment and Energy Technology 2010

Building physics calculationsklimaaktiv

School ASO4, Linz
Renovation and conversion to passive house standard

The IBO was awarded the State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability 2012 for its building physics planning.