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Enhancing Sustainable Development, Competitiveness and Innovation through SME and Cluster Cooperation
NENA – Network Enterprise Alps

Mitarbeit an Kriterienentwicklung für nachhaltige (Kommunal)-Bauten - Interreg IIIb-Projekt


NENA intends to build an Alpine-wide network of SMEs. The exchange of know-how, the initiation of co-operations, the offer of training as well as image enhancing measures for SMEs are the tasks of this network. NENA will contribute to a better use of existing co-operation potentials by mobilising synergies within and between the different economic sectors. NENA is concentrating on two core fields: 1) „Renewable Resources“ with the clusters “Value added chain of wood”; “Energy from renewable resources”; “Saving energy – passive house” 2) Crossing Functions “Innovation and Technology”: Innovation management; Education and training; Process optimisation and certification; Interface management The network will support sustainable development while taking the social, ecological and economic aspects into account. By strengthening clusters and co-operations between urban and rural areas NENA helps to attenuate the increasing polarisation between strong urban areas and less favoured regions.


März 2007 – Dezember 2008


Im Auftrag von telesis
