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New Public Spaces
European Urban Streetscapes in the 21st Century

This book brings together 28 examples of converted street spaces from 14 European cities. These are graphically documented and described in detail in terms of their design and impact.

Building materials, Components

The transformation of formerly car-friendly streets is establishing itself as a new topic in urban planning. The conversions documented in this book respond to current changes, in particular climate change, and create urban typologies that were previously unknown. Only projects that have already been implemented have been selected. They have the advantage that the feasibility of the sometimes radical transformations no longer needs to be proven, that they already have to prove themselves in practice, can be experienced as new spaces and their effects can be studied. The major topics are the inevitable management of climate change, the long overdue traffic turnaround and the reclamation of urban space for residents, which has been discussed for decades with almost no consequences. The documented examples react in very different ways to the concentrated challenges, but they all respond. Not all of the solutions are fully developed, there is a process of trial and error - the formation of a new type of street is in the midst of development.

Some very successful examples have been on display for more than ten years, unfortunately without their good example being noticeably reflected in the image and planning practice of German cities. This is essentially due to the fact that the move away from the car as the main means of transportation has not been successful. Without a clear decision to significantly reduce car traffic, however, none of these projects could have been implemented. There is only room for more cycling and walking, for trees and infiltration areas if the space for cars is reduced.

The book aims to promote the conversion of streets and encourage imitation. It is aimed at planners, mayors and politicians. At best, it should lead to journeys of discovery to neighboring European cities, because nothing is as convincing as the walk-in original. The streets documented here are eye-openers and proof that it is possible to fundamentally transform streets.

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Pola Koch, Steffen de Rudder, Stefan Signer (Hg)
New Public Spaces – European Urban Streetscapes in the 21st Century
M Books 2024, 344 Pages, German/English, Euro 68,–