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EU GreenBuilding

Improved energy efficiency for non-residential buildings

The criteria to qualify for the EU GreenBuilding programme award for energy efficiency measures in non-residential buildings are as follows: a 25% energy saving compared to the building regulations for new buildings and a 25% energy saving for refurbishments to existing buildings. It is an incentive system that encourages builders and owners to implement profitable investments and which aims to exploit efficiency potential in the commercial building sector. The IBO has been examining applications from Austria since 2010 and the established brand is continuing its work by also taking on projects from neighbouring EU member states.

The EU GreenBuilding Program

The key aims of the EU's energy and climate protection policy are to achieve a sustainable increase in energy efficiency and to increase the use of renewable energies: the European Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings was an important milestone in this context. To this end the Directorate-General for Energy and Transport of the European Commission has funded numerous projects as part of the “Intelligent Energy - Europe” programme.

One of which is the EU GreenBuilding Programme, launched in 2007, whose aim is to increase the energy efficiency of private and public service buildings.

The programme was managed by the Joint Research Centre in Ispra until October 2014. Where EU GreenBuilding has achieved a high level of market penetration, the existing contact points continue to run the programme at a national level and also have the opportunity to manage applications from neighbouring member states. IBO uses this option in the interest of its customers and supports projects to ensure they put in a successful submission.

Companies can participate in the programme if they want to improve their existing buildings or take special measures in the construction of new buildings – they can achieve the status of an EU GreenBuilding Partner or Corporate Partner. It is possible for companies with a focus on energy efficiency to become endorsers.

Reference projects

EU GreenBuilding

BILLA Obdach
Sales building, new building

EU Green Building Partner: BILLA AG

EU GreenBuilding

Elementary School Hans Barwitzius
Educational building, extension

EU GreenBuilding Partner: Stadt Wiener Neustadt

EU GreenBuilding

Kindergarten Franz Michael Bendek
Educational building, extension

EU GreenBuilding Partner: Stadt Wiener Neustadt

EU GreenBuilding

KH St. Josef Braunau, Bauteil 10
Krankenhaus Neubau

EU Green Building Partner: A.ö. Krankenhaus St. Josef Braunau GmbH

EU GreenBuilding

Sparkasse Oberösterreich, branch Ried in the Riedmark
Bank branch, new building

EU GreenBuilding Partner: Allgemeine Sparkasse Oberösterreich Bank AG

EU GreenBuilding

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Hall
Hospital, new building

EU GreenBuilding Partner: Tirol Kliniken GmbH

EU GreenBuilding

Sparkasse Oberösterreich, branch Spital am Pyhrn
Bank branch, new building

EU GreenBuilding Partner: Allgemeine Sparkasse Oberösterreich Bank AG

EU GreenBuilding

Internal Medicine South, Innsbruck Regional Hospital
Hospital, new building

EU GreenBuilding Partner: Tirol Kliniken GmbH, Landeskrankenhaus Innsbruck

EU GreenBuilding

Care Home Helping Hands
Nursing home, renovation

EU GreenBuilding Partner: V. PASSWEG GesmbH / EU GreenBuilding Endorser: Siemens AG

EU GreenBuildingÖGNB/TQB
Building physics calculations

ÖBB freight terminal, Wolfurt
Austria's first certified freight terminal!

In Wolfurt, Vorarlberg, Austria's first freight terminal is currently being built, the planning and execution of which will be accompanied and…

DGNB/ÖGNIEU GreenBuilding

Logistikhalle LT1 Schachinger, Linz
Lagergebäude Neubau

klimaaktiv Gold mit 904 Punkten. Staatspreisträger. Objekt des Monats 9/2014

EU GreenBuildingklimaaktiv
ÖGNB/TQBBuilding physicsPassive House ConsultingProduktprüfungBuilding product managementCircular economy

aspern IQ – technology centre Aspern, Seestadt
Plus energy office, new building

klimaaktiv Gold with 1,000 points, ÖGNB/TQB with 974 points