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aspern IQ – technology centre Aspern, Seestadt
Plus energy office, new building

klimaaktiv Gold with 1,000 points, ÖGNB/TQB with 974 points

EU GreenBuildingklimaaktivÖGNB/TQBBuilding physicsPassive House ConsultingProduktprüfungBuilding product managementCircular economy

After the success of the first office building built in passive house construction ENERGYbase, the Vienna Business Agency decided to build the first plus-energy office building.

The technology center was the first new building in the urban development area Seestadt Aspern. In Austria and beyond, it is regarded as one of the lighthouse projects for sustainable construction. Designed as a passive house, the building provides evidence of a positive energy balance through the targeted use of groundwater including component activation and the equipping with PV elements.

Architektur: ATP architekten ingenieure
IBO: klimaaktiv, ÖGNB/TQB, EU GreenBuilding, building physics, construction product management

klimaaktiv assessment

TQB assessment

Passive house - database


August 2010

Plusenergiebürogebäude in der Seestadt Aspern
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