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Building material ecology


Building materials have an impact on the room climate, on air quality and on the spatial effect. In addition, the building material has a life-cycle impact in the world of work (manufacturing and processing) and on the environment (in production, distribution, installation, use and disposal). Last but not least, the design of a building object has to be oriented towards the possibilities of building materials. Ecological evaluation means to find the best possible solutions under given technical and economic conditions, taking into account as many of these effects as possible.

klimaaktivBuilding product management
Measurements & Monitoring

WHA Hetzendorfer Straße 84
Residential building, renovation

During the renovation of this residential complex, particular emphasis was placed on preserving the architectural structure of the existing building.…

klimaaktivBuilding product management

Extension of Campus Krems
klimaaktiv building of the month 05/2024

Educational institution: new building, klimaaktiv Gold with 1,000 points

ÖGNB/TQBBuilding product management

ÖBB ASC Gloggnitz
Nicht-Wohngebäude, Neubau

ÖGNB/TQB-Bewertung mit 908 Punkten. Das IBO unterstützte das Neubauprojekt mit der ökologischen Beratung inklusive eines umfassenden…

Building product managementMeasurements & Monitoring

Campus Landgutgasse
Educational building, new building

Another educational campus in Vienna that was accompanied by the IBO - The strict ÖkoKaufWien criteria had to be met during the construction of the…