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book reviews

The Real Deal
Post-Fossil Construction for Game Changers

Around half of the raw materials we extract go into the world's built environment. The construction industry is estimated to generate a third of the world's total waste and at least 40% of global carbon dioxide emissions.

Ecology, sustainability

These figures are staggering. However, they also mean that the construction sector is in a position to make an important contribution to reversing the climate crisis if it succeeds in overcoming "business as usual". The construction industry has great potential to make a relevant contribution to overcoming the climate emergency and to discover new business areas in the course of digitalization. This can only succeed if all stakeholders - from architects and users to building owners and investors - are involved.

In short essays, the book develops a global perspective on the economic, social and ecological changes in the industry, highlights the experiences of various market participants in the form of interviews, presents examples of best practice and finally dispels the most common prejudices on the subject of sustainable construction. A book for practitioners and political decision-makers that aims to break down barriers in people's minds, in the legal framework and in practice.

Information and order

Fabian Hörmann (Ed.)
The Real Deal
Post Fossil Construction for Game Changers
Ruby Press 2023, 240 Seiten, Euro 24,–