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book reviews

Building materials, ComponentsEcology, sustainability

The Joinery Compendium
Learning from traditional woodworking

The book not only provides an overview of wood properties and traditional hand tools, but also shows all the traditional joining principles and their…

Architecture, Building, CityBuilding materials, Components
Ecology, sustainability

Natural Building Materials S, M, L
30 x architecture and construction

The book presents 30 pioneering projects of various sizes and uses that are examples of climate-friendly architecture, from "small" to "large".

Ecology, sustainability

The Earth and I

This illustrated anthology by science visionary James Lovelock is an instruction manual for the 21st century. Twelve scientists discuss the things…

Architecture, Building, CityEcology, sustainability
Green space

Negotiating Resilience with Hard and Soft City

This book explores how cities are shaped by the lived experiences of inhabitants and examines the ways they develop strategies to cope with daily and…

Architecture, Building, CityEcology, sustainability

Urban Block Cities
10 Design Principles for Contemporary Planning

The ideal city is social, healthy and sustainable. Karsten Pålsson outlines such a city in his new book Urban Block Cities. The Copenhagen architect…

Architecture, Building, CityEcology, sustainability

Towards a Resilient Architecture

The book explores the interrelated social, sustainability and spatial principles that underpin the design of more environmentally conscious buildings…