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Garden and Metaphor
Essays on the Essence of the Garden

A beautifully designed volume about the importance of the garden for the present and the future. With essays by renowned authors and photographs by Anne Schwalbe.

Green space

Never before had the garden to fulfil so many demands as it does today. It is a refuge from digitalised life and acts as a bridge to nature. As a man-made place where plants grow, it is cultivated and untamable at the same time. While for centuries the gardener's ambition was to control and subjugate nature, today it serves more as a place for retreat, a possible surrogate for wilderness, a habitat for animals or it fulfils the dream of self-sufficiency.

In this book, landscape architects, sociologists, architects, artists, philosophers and historians illuminate different aspects of the garden in the Anthropocene in six chapters: the garden as a place of community, garden as art, garden as a place of enchantment and rapture, opening up questions of what garden as a model could stand for.

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Ana Kučan, Mateja Kurir (Hg)
Garden and Metaphor
Essays on the Essence of the Garden
Birkhäuser 2023, 320 Pages, Euro 45,–