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Reference projects

ÖGNB/TQBBuilding physics calculations
Passive House ConsultingBuilding constructions – selection and optimisationBuilding acousticsBuilding product management

Seeparq Aspern
Residential building, new building

TQB/ÖGNB assessment with 941 points (planning declaration)


gugler* Comunications House

TQB/ÖGNB assessment with 900 points, leading project of Building of Tomorrow (Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology's research and…

EU GreenBuildingÖGNB/TQB
Building physics calculations

ÖBB freight terminal, Wolfurt
Austria's first certified freight terminal!

In Wolfurt, Vorarlberg, Austria's first freight terminal is currently being built, the planning and execution of which will be accompanied and…

Passive House ConsultingProduktprüfungBuilding product managementKreislauffähigkeit

Wohnhausanlage JAspern, Wien
Cohousing JAspern

klimaaktiv Gold mit 970 Punkten und Objekt des Monats 6/2015

EU GreenBuildingklimaaktiv
ÖGNB/TQBBuilding physicsPassive House ConsultingProduktprüfungBuilding product managementKreislauffähigkeit

aspern IQ – technology centre Aspern, Seestadt
Plus energy office, new building

klimaaktiv Gold with 1,000 points, ÖGNB/TQB with 974 points

Building physics

VELUX Sunlighthouse
Wohnhaus, Neubau

ÖGNB/TQB 934 Punkte, klimaaktiv GOLD 963 Punkte, Staatspreis Umwelt- und Energietechnologie 2010

Certified Passive HousesÖGNB/TQB
Building physics calculationsPassive House Consulting

ENERGYbase, Vienna
Office building (passive house), new building

Completion: July 2008