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TQB – Quality monitoring, aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 5

Goal of the project is to develop a monitoring tool that allows to predict the expectable (final) quality of the residential buildings based on decisions made during the planning and construction phase. For this purpose, the current certification tool for the determination of "TQB-points" will be equipped with "interim" certifications, which shall allow the land developer to carry out a quality monitoring parallel to the construction phase. The tool will be tested with the data obtained from selected construction projects during the first residential development phase in seestadt aspern.

ResearchBuilding assessmentÖGNB/TQB

All pilot projects and demonstration buildings of the RTD-Program "Building of Tomorrow Plus" have to be evaluated with TQB. TQB – Total Quality Building - is the assessment system of the Austrian Council for Sustainable Construction. TQB is an integrated assessment method, which helps to describe and assess the quality of buildings in comprehensively manner. The existing assessment structure is available for the planning (at the moment of the project submission) and the realisation (after completion of construction works) of buildings. Therefore TQB foresees two different building certificates: One for the planning, one for completion. The compilation of these certificates is supported by an online-tool.

In Sub-Project "Monitoring" of the pilot project "aspern Seestadt" an additional assessment instrument for the development of buildings will be provided. "TQB Development" focuses on building developments and allows – in difference to the already existing TQB tools - to assess buildings with only less or without proofs for the different dimensions of quality in buildings and construction works. "TQB Development" supports the step-by-step development of buildings and offers interim assessment and trend analysis for planners and building owners.

TQB Development  is based on the existing assessment structure of the Austrian Council for Sustainable Construction and it is used in the context of the property developer competitions of "Seestadt Aspern" in practice. Additional support for property developers and planners for the testing and practise with this new method for the monitoring and evaluation of buildings is also included in the research project. All projects of the ongoing competitions in the framework of the "Seestadt Aspern" process have to be evaluated by an advisory board using TQB.

The final version of TQB Development will be available to other urban developments (in Vienna and other cities/regions) after the testing in Seestadt Aspern. The applicability is given both at large-scale developments like in the case of the Seestadt Aspern and at smaller architectural and/or urban development realization competitions.

Project team

  • Wien 3420 Development AG (project lead)
  • IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH

  • ÖÖI – Österreichisches Ökologie Institut

Research period

May 2011 – July 2012

Funding Institutions

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology in the programme Building of Tomorrow


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