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The IBO's research is primarily oriented towards results and implementation: IBO research should encourage the dissemination of independent information, substantiated comparisons, decision-making aids as well as make tools available. Research activities cover all areas of sustainable construction. The scientific approach makes it easier to identify which measures improve construction. Research at the IBO focuses on quantitative and qualitative assessment that can be applied in practice.

Research projects

Building assessmentBuilding physics

PECK – Plus Energy Check
Plus Energy Check for new and existing buildings

PECK, the Plus Energy Check for new and existing buildings, is a service that provides a client with the necessary information in a short time at low…

ForschungBuilding assessment

TQB – Qualitätsmonitoring, aspern Die Seestadt Wiens – Subprojekt 5
Entwicklung eines projektbegleitenden TQB-Monitoringtools und Erprobung anhand der Bauprojekte der Tranchen 1 und 2 der Asperner Wohnbauvorhaben

Neben dem umfassenden Begleitmonitoring (TQB, Energiemonitoring, Zufriedenheit bei NutzerInnen) der Demonstrationsbauten des Leitprojekts "aspern…

Messung & MonitoringBuilding assessment

Environmental and Health-Related Criteria for Buildings

Scope and Objective

The objective of the study is to provide ANEC with a background paper on environmental and health-related criteria for…

New Scientific Publications

Dolezal F., Dobra T., Zelger T., Neumann M. Evaluation of the Effect of Biogenic Carbon in Wooden Building Products on Climate Change by Dynamic Modelling Society of Wood Science andTechnology International Convention. Portoroz 2024.

Reichenauer A., Kumer N., Dolezal F.: A novel vibration sensing device for measuring flanking transmission in mass timber buildings. Society of Wood Science andTechnology International Convention. Portoroz 2024.

Primožič L., Dolezal F., Prislan R., Kutnar A.: What type of social media posts about sustainable construction is better for audience engagement? Open Res Europe 2024, 4:24

Dolezal F., Reichenauer A., Wilfling A., Neusser M., Prislan R.: Recording, Processing, and Reproduction of Vibrations Produced by Impact Noise Sources in Buildings. Acoustics 2024, 6, 97–113.

Dolezal F., Fellner M., Neusser M.: Acoustic Performance of Buildings, Components and Materials as a Parameter for Ecological and Social Assessments. Proceedings of 10th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association. Izola 2023.

More scientific publications