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Basic Knowledge on Environmental and Health Aspects for the Selection of Construction Material

The building materials information system WECOBIS was developed in the framework of the innovation programme Zukunft Bau as a practical aid, which supports planners and architects with the selection of construction products according to health-relevant and ecological criteria. At, the platform is provided online free of charge by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Community (BMI).

ResearchMaterial ecology

WECOBIS provides comprehensive, structured, manufacturer-neutral information on health and environmental aspects, including possible areas of application, for the major construction product groups and basic materials. This information is provided for the life cycle phases of raw materials, production, processing, use and reuse. The IBO has been part of the WECOBIS editorial team since 2013. Our tasks included, among others, the updating and creation of data sheets, the formulation of planning and tendering assistance, and the authoring of special topics.

Project team

Dipl-Ing. Robert Kellner, ak architekten, München

IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH

Research period

January 2013 –

Funding Institutions

Federal Institute for Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), Bavarian Chamber of Architects
