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book reviews

Building materials, ComponentsEcology, sustainability

The Joinery Compendium
Learning from traditional woodworking

The book not only provides an overview of wood properties and traditional hand tools, but also shows all the traditional joining principles and their…

Architecture, Building, CityBuilding materials, Components
Ecology, sustainability

Natural Building Materials S, M, L
30 x architecture and construction

The book presents 30 pioneering projects of various sizes and uses that are examples of climate-friendly architecture, from "small" to "large".

Architecture, Building, CityBuilding materials, Components

Mass Made Units.
Studies on Assemblies

The use of solid stone and wood in architecture is a sustainable and durable solution that promotes formal modesty and sober constructive thinking.…

Architecture, Building, CityBuilding materials, Components

Swiss Window Journeys
Architectural Field Notes

The book demonstrates the role of the window as a tool for creative living and opens up ecological perspectives for its architectural design.

Ecology, sustainability

The Earth and I

This illustrated anthology by science visionary James Lovelock is an instruction manual for the 21st century. Twelve scientists discuss the things…

Building materials, Components

3D Printing and Material Extrusion in Architecture
Construction and Design Manual

3D printing is said to ­revolutionise archi­tecture: Thanks to new technologies, plastic, concrete, or metal can be extruded in a liquid state and…

Building materials, Components

New Public Spaces
European Urban Streetscapes in the 21st Century

This book brings together 28 examples of converted street spaces from 14 European cities. These are graphically documented and described in detail in…

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Green space

Garden and Metaphor
Essays on the Essence of the Garden

A beautifully designed volume about the importance of the garden for the present and the future. With essays by renowned authors and photographs by…

Architecture, Building, CityEcology, sustainability
Green space

Negotiating Resilience with Hard and Soft City

This book explores how cities are shaped by the lived experiences of inhabitants and examines the ways they develop strategies to cope with daily and…



Cleanliness is a core value of societies around the globe. So much so that cleaning seems to be an inherent part of human nature and an expression of…