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Reference projects

klimaaktivBuilding product management
Measurements & Monitoring

WHA Hetzendorfer Straße 84
Residential building, renovation

During the renovation of this residential complex, particular emphasis was placed on preserving the architectural structure of the existing building.…

klimaaktivBuilding product management

Extension of Campus Krems
klimaaktiv building of the month 05/2024

Educational institution: new building, klimaaktiv Gold with 1,000 points


E-mobility Siebenhirten
Non-residential building, extension and new building

In Siebenhirten, in the south of Vienna, a modern loading and maintenance site for Wiener Linien's electric buses has been built. The technically…


Personenbahnhof Lavanttal, St. Paul im Lavanttal
Nicht-Wohngebäude, Neubau

ÖGNB/TQB-Bewertung mit 900 von 1000 Punkten, ÖGNB Gold

ÖGNB/TQBBuilding product management

ÖBB ASC Gloggnitz
Nicht-Wohngebäude, Neubau

ÖGNB/TQB-Bewertung mit 908 Punkten. Das IBO unterstützte das Neubauprojekt mit der ökologischen Beratung inklusive eines umfassenden…

klimaaktivBuilding product management

Schäffergasse 10, 1040 Wien
Residential building, new building

klimaaktiv silver

klimaaktivBuilding product management

Research and laboratory building in Klosterneuburg

At the campus of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) in Maria Gugging (Lower Austria), a modern research and laboratory…


ÖBB ASC Stützpunkt Werndorf
Nicht-Wohngebäude, Neubau

ÖGNB/TQB-Bewertung mit 943 von 1000 Punkten, ÖGNB Gold

klimaaktivBuilding physics
Building product management

BG/BRG Gänserndorf
Educational institution, renovation and extension

The BG/BRG Gänserndorf was renovated and extended. The klimaaktiv building declaration (silver with 790 points), the sound measurements, the building…

klimaaktivBuilding product management

Von der Groeben Kaserne Feldbach
Unterkunftsgebäude, Neubau

klimaaktiv Objekt des Monats 11/2022, Zertifizierung und Bauproduktmanagement durch das IBO-Team

klimaaktivBuilding physics
Building product management

Raiffeisen Corner St. Pölten
Office building, new building

At the corner of Kremser-Landstraße and Daniel Gran Straße, close to the railway station, a new office building with approx. 4000 m2 GFA was…

klimaaktivBauphysikalische Nachweise

Reichsratsstraße 1 und 9
Bürogebäude, Sanierung

Best Practice Sanieren im denkmalgeschützten Bestand mit Gebäudezertifizierung klimaaktiv Gold

EU GreenBuilding

BILLA Obdach
Sales building, new building

EU Green Building Partner: BILLA AG

EU GreenBuilding

Volksschule Bgm. Hans Barwitzius
Bildungsgebäude, Zubau

EU GreenBuilding Partner: Stadt Wiener Neustadt

EU GreenBuilding

Kindergarten Franz Michael Bendek
Bildungsgebäude, Zubau

EU GreenBuilding Partner: Stadt Wiener Neustadt

klimaaktivBuilding product management

Wolfsberg construction stage 3
Hospital Renovation

The LKH Wolfsberg is being renovated in stages to ensure up-to-date patient care and to meet future requirements in the healthcare sector.…

EU GreenBuilding

St. Josef Braunau, Component 10
Hospital, new building

EU Green Building Partner: A.ö. Krankenhaus St. Josef Braunau GmbH

klimaaktivBuilding product management

I23 LAB5 und GradSchool
Learning and research center, new building

In the midst of the Vienna Woods lies IST Austria, the Institute of Science and Technology, a sprawling campus whose oldest buildings date back to the…

klimaaktivBuilding physics
Bauphysikalische NachweiseBuilding acoustics

BOKU Neubau Holz
Educational institution new building

klimaaktiv Gold with 986 points (planning declaration)

ÖGNB/TQBBauphysikalische Nachweise
Passive House ConsultingBuilding constructions – selection and optimisationBuilding acousticsBuilding product management

Seeparq Aspern
Residential building, new building

TQB/ÖGNB assessment with 941 points (planning declaration)


Paracelsus Bath- und spa house
Accommodation building, new building

klimaaktiv Gold with 909 Punkten

klimaaktivCertified Passive Houses

I07 2nd Administration Building
Office building, new building

The administration building I07 at the campus of the Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria) was built in passive house quality and achieved…

klimaaktivBuilding product management

Justizgebäude Salzburg Nonntal
Zubau und denkmalgeschützte Sanierung

Bestandssanierung: klimaaktiv Gold mit 971 Punkten, Zubau/Neubau: klimaaktiv Silber mit 753 Punkten

klimaaktivPassive House Consulting

House of Learning
Office building / accommodation facility, new building

klimaaktiv Gold with 1,000 points