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The IBO's research is primarily oriented towards results and implementation: IBO research should encourage the dissemination of independent information, substantiated comparisons, decision-making aids as well as make tools available. Research activities cover all areas of sustainable construction. The scientific approach makes it easier to identify which measures improve construction. Research at the IBO focuses on quantitative and qualitative assessment that can be applied in practice.

Research projects

ResearchBuilding physics
Internal insulationRenovation

Solutions for the refurbishment within existing building stock with interior insulation

The development of exemplary refurbishment solutions on the level of single flats was the aim of the project.

ResearchLifecycle assessments and lifecycle costs

Houses for Energy- and ResOurce Efficient Settlements

In energy-efficient, new buildings and renovations, the gray energy of building material used for construction and maintenance is as important as the…

Smart Tower Enhancement Leoben Austria (STELA)

STELA Project: Smart Tower Enhancement Leoben Austria is concerned with the comprehensive thermal and technical redevelopment and simultaneous basic…

ResearchLifecycle assessments and lifecycle costs

baubook Amortization and Cost Calculator for components

This online tool gives short and concise information about the cost effectiveness and environmental impact of thermal insulation.

ResearchLifecycle assessments and lifecycle costs


The ÖKOBAUDAT platform is provided as an online database with life cycle assessment datasets by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building…

ResearchMaterial ecology

Basic Knowledge on Environmental and Health Aspects for the Selection of Construction Material

The building materials information system WECOBIS was developed in the framework of the innovation programme Zukunft Bau as a practical aid, which…

Building assessmentBuilding physics

PECK – Plus Energy Check
Plus Energy Check for new and existing buildings

PECK, the Plus Energy Check for new and existing buildings, is a service that provides a client with the necessary information in a short time at low…

ResearchLifecycle assessments and lifecycle costs

LEKOECOS – combined economic-ecological life cycle assessment model

The consumption of ecological and economic resources over the whole life cycle is supposed to be anticipated and optimised in the design process of…

Building physics

gugler! build & print triple zero
Beacon of innovation gugler cross media, ecoeffective zero energy cross media enterprise featuring zero-emission, zero energy, zero waste

The aim of the flagship project is a new dimension of sustainability: Zero energy standard for the building and cradle to cradle for operational…

ResearchLifecycle assessments and lifecycle costs

Formation of an Austrian EPD-Platform for building products

The objective of the project at hand was to create the general program guidelines for the "Austrian EPD-platform for building products": basic…

ResearchBuilding assessment

TQB – Quality monitoring, aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 5

Goal of the project is to develop a monitoring tool that allows to predict the expectable (final) quality of the residential buildings based on…

Color & LightingResearch
Indoor air qualityMaterial ecologyInterior

Network material ecology for hospitals

The use of sustainable building materials is a key issue for sustainable development of the building sector. Emission free indoor air, minimized…

Measurements & MonitoringBuilding assessment

Environmental and Health-Related Criteria for Buildings

Scope and Objective

The objective of the study is to provide ANEC with a background paper on environmental and health-related criteria for buildings.…

New Scientific Publications

Dolezal F., Reichenauer A., Wilfling A., Neusser M., Prislan R.: Recording, Processing, and Reproduction of Vibrations Produced by Impact Noise Sources in Buildings. Acoustics 2024, 6, 97–113.

Dolezal F., Fellner M., Neusser M.: Acoustic Performance of Buildings, Components and Materials as a Parameter for Ecological and Social Assessments. Proceedings of 10th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association. Izola 2023.

Wilfling A., Dolezal F.: Application of Ambisonics to Building Acosutics – Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of 10th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association. Izola 2023.

Dolezal F., Neusser M., Blödt A.: Kategorisierung der Stoßstellendämmung im Massivholzbau. Teil 1: Quantifizierung der Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen an der Stoßstelle mit Messwerten im L-Stoß. Holzbau Quadriga 3/2023.

Blödt A., Neusser M., Dolezal F.: Kategorisierung der Stoßstellendämmung im Massivholzbau. Teil 2: Anwendung elastischer Zwischenlagen im Massivholzbau und Prognose der bauakustischen Eigenschaften. Holzbau Quadriga 3/2023.

Neusser M., Urbán D., Dolezal F., Müllner H.: The influence of different material properties of straw on the building acoustic performance of lightweight wall constructions. Proceedings of forum acusticum, Torino 2023.

More scientific publications